
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Milky Way and G1 – Happy New Year! – 9th -13th January

Happy New Year! It sounds like everyone had a great holiday! It was so nice to hear from the students about all the wonderful and exciting things they did to celebrate the New Year.

明けましておめでとうございます!本年もよろしくお願い致します😉 新年がはじまり子ども達から冬休みの楽しいストーリーを沢山聞くことが出来た1週間でした✨

The beginning of the New Year sees us entering our last UOI unit for the Year. We began to discuss the 3Rs and why they are so important. We also learned about the greenhouse effect.


This week G1 also took on the challenge of improving their presentation skills. They have chosen famous people from each decade and will make a presentation about them. It is a great chance to increase their knowledge and improve their presentation skills.


As everyone loves to dance in our class the students asked me to learn some dances they I danced with when I was a kid. I choose 2 dances and we tried them this week. Some students wish to practice at home so I will attach the videos here for them. I guess some parents may also be familiar with these songs and dances so it would be a lot of fun to practice together at home?! Have fun!

Milky Way, G1クラスは踊るのが大好きで、先生が子供の頃に踊っていたダンスを教えてほしいと意見がありました😎お家で練習したい子ども達から声があがったので、動画を添付しますね✨ 歌や踊りに親しんでいる保護者の方もいらっしゃると思いますので、お家で一緒に練習するのも楽しいと思います😁🎵

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Nagano Milky Way and G1 – Happy New Year! – 9th -13th January