
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Milky Way & G1 – Charity Project Complete!

This week was full of exciting fun games and activities as we continued our Summer Program!


After collecting money for the Ukraine charity project, we practiced counting money together. it was so fun. It was like being a banker!


We had a fun field trip this week when we went to Naotomi recycling center to recycle all the cans. We worked so hard collecting all the cans and we could finally see our results. Thank you to all the mommies and daddies who helped us collect cans for our Ukraine project! It was an exciting experience and we got to raise a lot of money for our project!

ウクライナ避難民支援プロジェクトの一部で集めた空き缶を現金にする為、直富商事さんへ行きました👀空き缶集め、そして募金活動にご協力して下さった保護者の皆様、誠にありがとうございました✨ この活動を通じて沢山のお金を得ることができました。

This week we also learned how to help others and be responsible by teaching the Shooting Star class some new skills! We realized we need to know to be patient when we give a lot of guidance and support to help everyone.

今週は、Shooting Starクラスのお手伝いもしました❣ 責任を持ってShooting Starのお友達へ新しいスキルを教えることができました🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️ 新しいスキルを伝えるには、とても辛抱強くなければいけない事を実感しました😉💕

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