
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow – A new journey begins! (April 6-9)

Hello everyone!

It’s finally time to start a new and adventurous school year here at ISN! This is the weekly blog for the Rainbow class at ISN’s Nagano campus. Here we will share pictures and highlights from the week. We will also give you information about the topics we are learning and share any new songs we introduce to the kids.
I would also like to welcome and congratulate all the new students starting in April. I’m looking forward to seeing all of our student grow over the coming year, and I have no doubt that they will grow a lot!

Fun at the park!

Before we got to meet all our new friends, we took a trip to the park. We had a lot of fun playing in the nice weather. Everyone excitingly asked the teachers “Catch me please!” before sliding down the big slide. The teacher then caught them at the end of the slide and lifted them high up in the air. It’s fun for the kids and a great work out for the teachers!

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First day of school

We eagerly greeted all of our new Rainbow friends for our first day together.
The day started by some free play, followed by our morning circle time.
Our older students sang with their big voices to show our new friends how we sing in Rainbow class!
I was very impressed to see so many of our new students trying to sing and dance along to the songs! Good job everyone!
It was also very nice to see that we can all play together nicely during our free play.
It won’t be long before everyone has become great friends. 😊

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Thank you for reading, and see you all again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – A new journey begins! (April 6-9)