
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – (April 20-23)

Hello everyone!

It’s been an interesting week here at ISN’s Nagano campus. Due to the unfortunate situation the world is in right now, we have been a smaller class this week. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun! This week we went to the park and had our first music lesson!


And for the kids that are staying home, we have been broadcasting our morning circles, so that we can keep in touch with everyone. We also have story time, dancing exercises and a chance to talk to each other over video calls. It’s so nice to still be able to see everyone! Thank you for participating!


We had a fun trip to the park this week!
Thank you everyone for walking nicely and safely to the park. Good job!
Not only did we run around and playing together like always, but we also made some art!
We grabbed some twigs from the ground and used them to draw in the sand. The kids would request something from the teachers, and then try to do it by themselves.

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Easter egg crafts

We had a fun time making some nice easter eggs this week.
We used q-tips to paint three egg shaped pieces of paper.
Then we glued them on to a cute easter themed paper.
If they wanted to use a color they had to ask the teacher for which color they wanted to use.
They wanted some new colors that we didn’t have, so the teacher showed how mixing colors can create a new one!
This was a great way to improve their fine motor skills and continue to learn about colors!
綿棒を使い、卵形に切り取った紙に色々な色をつけていきました、指を器用に使いギザギザや、ドットを描いたり、違う色が欲しいときは先生に英語で“pink please”などと伝えたり、用意できなかった色は”どの色を混ぜたら紫になる?”と皆で考えながら作りました。カラフルでかわいいイースターエッグが出来上がりました。廊下の壁に飾ってありますのでご覧ください。

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Music lesson

We had our very first music class this week!
The teacher started by introducing herself, and then asked the students their names with a toy microphone. We then used some nice colorful scarves to gently wave around to the rhythm of the music the teacher was playing on the piano. We also used the scarves to make some nice flowers!

[envira-gallery id=”77269″]

Thank you all for reading. Let’s all stay safe and do our best to persevere together!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Nagano Rainbow – (April 20-23)