
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow – Being creative! (16-20 January)

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは。

The cold season has come to Rainbow, but that doesn’t stop us from having a lot of fun every day! We have been having a great time while working on our fine motor skills this week.

いよいよ大寒を迎え、さむ〜い日が続きそうですね。寒さにも風邪にも負けず、Rainbow kidsは毎日楽しく過ごしています。今週はクラフトで指先をたくさん使いました。

Making mittens

We are talking about clothes in January, and trying to understand why we wear certain type of clothes. In this lesson, we talked about the mitten. When I asked when we should use mittens, our clever kids answered “Cold!”. That’s right! When it’s cold outside.

We then made some of our own mittens for our crafts after our discussion. After we explaining how to make it, we try to let the kids think for themselves as they make it. You can really see the difference in how they think from the begging of the year!

1月のテーマは「服」です。寒いときにはどんな服を着るのかそんな話をしました。手袋をつけるのはどんな時かな?と聞くと「Cold! 寒い時!」と大きな声で答えてくれました。手袋の作り方を説明すると、子供たちはそれぞれどのように色紙を貼っていこうか真剣に考えていました。4月からの成長がうかがえますね。

Free crafts

Our young students love being creative and using their right-side brains! During our free play time, we have set up a workstation where the kids are free to use unused craft materials to create whatever they want. After they finish, they can choose to take their work of art home, or hang on the wall for display. Most of it ends up being wonderful present for mommy and daddy, but we have already started adding some of their art to our classroom wall!

自由に考えて好きなものを作れるように、室内遊びの時間は製作用に一つテーブルを用意しています。クレヨン、クーピー、のり、両面テープ、他の製作で使わなかった素材を使って楽しんでいます。完成した作品は家に持ち帰りたいか?クラスの壁に飾りたいか?聞きますが、「ママ、パパに見せた〜い❤️」と返事が返ってきます☺️ 今までのクラス製作に自由製作と作品がたくさん壁に飾ってありますので参観日にぜひチェックしてくださいね!


Everyone loves playing with clay! We used cookie cutters to make a variety of different shapes with the clay.  We tried to encourage some winter related shapes, as we are trying to learn winter related words in our circle time.


The Itsy Bitsy Spider

We introduced the kids to the song “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” this week. Please sing it together at home too! You can ask the kids if they remember, and can teach you the dance.


Thank you so much for reading, and see you again next week! いつもブログを読んでくださりありがとうございます!それではまた来週!

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