
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow – Let’s play together! (29 August – 2 September) 

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

It has been another fun week here in Rainbow class. We had our own fun gym lesson at the school, been having fun playing together outside in the nice slightly cooler weather, and started learning about numbers!


Gym lesson

We had our own fun gym lesson at the school this week. We used a pull-up bar to hang as monkeys! The goal was to hang there for 5 seconds, but they were able to do it much longer! After each student was finished, the rest of the class all said together “Good job!”. It is nice to see how well they are able to support each other! We also took turns jumping off a vaulting box!

今週はレインボーさんだけで教室でジムレッスンをしました。お猿さんのように鉄棒にぶら下がって5秒数えました!1人が終わるごとに「Good job!!!」とみんなで声を掛け合いました。その後はバランスボールを転がしたり、台からジャンプして遊びました!

Outside play

The weather has been getting cooler, so we have been playing outside whenever possible! The students always enjoy dancing to music or playing in the sandpit. They really get to show off their creative minds in the sandpit!

日中も段々と涼しくなってきましたね。外で遊べそうなチャンスがあれば、すぐ園庭に出ているレインボーさんです。みんな園庭で楽しくダンスをしたり、砂場で遊んでいます。砂場では子供たちのcreativity が爆発しています。

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! それではまた来週!

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