


Nagano Rainbow – Spooky Halloween (October 28-31)

Hello everyone!


Thank you all for coming to our Halloween event last week, and making it so much fun!
It was so nice to see everyone’s wonderful and cute costumes!
Please take a look at our separate blog entry about the Halloween event.
There is a lot of great pictures of everyone


ISN Nagano Halloween Party 2019

We were very lucky with this week’s weather when we went to the park.
It was nice and sunny!
As always, The kids walked nicely holding the rope to the park.
At the park they had a lot of fun using the playground or chasing the teachers.
I’m very happy to see that everyone is playing together nicely, and that everyone is so active in the park!


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We had another great gym class this week.
We began the lesson by doing our usual stretches and warm up.
Next, the kids had to try and catch the rope teacher was holding. The teacher was very fast, but the kids eventually managed to grab it from him!
Then we walked as a bear and crawled as a baby from one side of the room to the other side.
We put some obstacles of different height on the mat. The kids then had to try and balance on them while walking across. I was very impressed by everyone patience and balance when walking across! Good job everyone!
Finally, we set up a fun and challenging circuit.
The kids had to walk across the obstacles, roll across the mat, crawl through the tunnel and then hit some balloons hanging from the wall.


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We continued to learn about different shapes.
This week, we colored shapes with different colors. Then, the teachers would ask the student “What’s this?”, and then the students would answer “It`s a blue star”.
We also practiced our fine motor skills by tracing lines.
Everyone tried their hardest to follow the lines and patterns!


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We had another very fun music class this week.
We started with our usual greeting song.
The teacher was showing them the difference between big and small using different objects.
We then practiced our balance by standing on on foot. The children had to stand on one foot as long as the music was playing.
Next, the teacher gave everyone a castanet
The teacher would then show the kids the rhtythm and amount of times they had to hit it.
The Rainbow kids was able to follow the teachers instructions, and did a wonderful job!


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Thank you all for reading and see you again next week!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Rainbow – Spooky Halloween (October 28-31)