
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow: Welcome to Rainbow! April 10-14

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to a wonderful school year here at ISN. This is the weekly blog for rainbow class here at ISN Nagano Campus.

The first and second week was really hard for our brave kids, separations, new many faces, new environment to get used to.

We have been singing songs together and had fun playing outside in the nice weather.


We did our Spring-themed craft this week. We did great and had fun decorating with any design we wanted. We hand painted the tree then stuck eggs and some flowers. We did a wonderful job.

All about Colors

For the month of April, we will be learning about colors. We talked about different colors we can see around us in the classroom. We flipped over a paper cup then we put our chosen color flashcard on top of it then did it again until we finished all the colors.

Have a good weekend!

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