Hello everyone!
Our Christmas show highlighted a fantastic week.
Christmas show
Thank you so much for attending the Christmas show! The kids were thrilled to showcase their hard work in the performance. Their dedication and effort really shone through, and they did an amazing job! This show also served as the final assessment for our Unit of Inquiry, which has focused on expressing ourselves through stories.
クリスマス ショーにご参加いただき、誠にありがとうございました。子どもたちは、パフォーマンスで一生懸命に取り組んだ成果を披露できてとても喜んでいました。子どもたちの熱意と努力が本当に伝わってきて、素晴らしい成果でした。このショーは、物語を通して自分自身を表現することに焦点を当てた私たちの探究ユニットの最終評価としても機能しました。

We also enjoyed making Christmas wreaths when not practicing for the big show.

Outside play
The kids have all been giving it their all during practice, so we have been spending time outside every day to move our bodies and get some exercise.