


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way–Let's Work Together! (7-11 June)

A team works nicely with each other, talk, and agree to something good to achieve the goal. That’s what we started doing this week.

Shooting Star, Milky Wayのみなさん、こんにちは😀今週はクラスで互いに連携し合い、話し合い、目標を達成する為の活動をしていきました👀

Shooting Star kids ask each other questions in our class survey.


As we strive to be communicators, we successfully did a survey about our families asking each other the number of family members we have. After the survey, we compared who had the most and least family members. We understand that each family members can be different because every family is unique. Aside from that, in preparation for our summative assessment, we worked as a team to plan for a family role play where we decided who will be which family member, the roles we have, and the props and costumes we’ll need for next week.

“コミュニケーションができる人”に奮闘するために、クラスのお友達1人1人に何人家族かのアンケートをとる活動をしました📝✏アンケートの後、その結果を発表し合い、どのお友達が大きい家族か、それと小さい家族かを比較しました👪👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👦👩‍👧‍👦 家族の形はそれぞれで、とてもユニークと言う事を再確認できました。今週は総括的評価の一環として家族ごっこ(ロールプレー)の準備をしました👩👨🧑👦👶誰が何の役になり、その人の役割はなんだろう❓どんな小道具と衣装が必要かなど、3つのグループ(3家族)に分かれて話し合いました😉


The weather this week told us to get ready for hotter days soon. That’s why, our park time has become a little early and shorter now than before. We make sure that we are properly geared up before going out. More drinks, sun screen and hats on for more protection. Surely, every park time is a fun time! Some of them chose to make bonfire (without fire) with the twigs they collected, some enjoyed the slide, swing, and seesaw, while others had fun running around with friends. Well, it’s always fun to go out with friends.

だんだんと本格的な夏が始めりそうな陽気になって来ましたね😁熱中症の対策もしっかり取るために、公園の時間をいつもより早くし、時間は以前より短くして、水分補給もしっかりしています💦 公園では、園庭と違う遊びができます❣ キャンプファイヤーごっこ(火は無しで…。😆)、大きな滑り台、シーソー、追いかけっこ等、暑くても体をたっぴり動かすのは最高ですね😍


“We love our daddies, we listen to what they say. We love our daddies, Happy Father’s Day!” As we learn this song from our morning circle time, we made a craft just especially for you Dad! We made a father’s day card that says why we love our daddies.

“We love our daddies, we listen to what they say. We love our daddies, Happy Father’s Day!” の歌を今月歌っています。クラフトの時間は父の日のプレゼントを作りました🤗楽しみにしていてください😎😎😎

Rice Planting

Understanding where and how we get our food is important for the kids. If we know who, where, and how we have food on our tables every meal, we will appreciate how important food is. That’s why, we at ISN Nagano tried to plant rice in three big planters filled with soil and water. Aside from understanding the source of our food, we also enjoyed getting muddy and dirty!

食育の一環として田植えをしました!毎日食べているご飯は誰がどのように育ててくれるのかを実感出来たらなと思います😋苗を1つずつ丁寧に植え付け、小さな手も泥だらけになりました🖐”I love planting race!”と何度も声が聞こえてきました

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way–Let's Work Together! (7-11 June)