


Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- We Are Curious! (June 21-25)

We started this week with a big question– “What does curious mean?” We ask questions every time we hear something unfamiliar, we peek when we see something interesting, or we try to do something because we want to experience something new. We are like Curious George.


One question that caught everyone’s attention was “What is “world”?” since our LOI 3 states that “Families are different around the world.” It took us time to explain what it means but the kids understood it eventually after showing a globe.

LOI 3は”Families are different around the world ”について探究していきました。みなさんの注目を集めた質問の一つは “What is “world” (世界とは何か)でした。説明をするのに少し時間がかかりましたが、みなさん最後に地球儀を見て理解することが出来ました✨

UOI: Reflection

Unit 1 has ended and part of the things we do before we start a new unit is the Reflection time where we ask each student the things he/she learned about the unit, the learner profile attribute he/she developed and how he/she used it. In order to refresh their memories about the first unit, we reviewed the activities we did like making the family members roles, interviewing our guest speakers, and their role play.


Phonics: Snap Words, Rhyming

Hicketty Picketty Bumblebee… This is how we started our Phonics lesson. We learned the chant by whispering, clapping, and spelling our names. After that, we did the word hunt where we looked for labels of things around the classroom then clapped and snapped the syllables of each word. We had fun looking for color coded words. The green ones were for Milky Way while the pink ones were for Shooting Star. Then we sang the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and tried to identify the rhyming words in the song. There will be more interesting activities to do in our phonics lesson in the following weeks because learning how to read is fun!

フォニックスのレッスンです。 Hicketty Picketty Bumblebee… と言う歌を囁いたり、手拍子したり、スペルを言いながら学びました。その後に Shooting Starは緑のラベル Milky Wayはピンクのラベルを探しすゲームをクラス内でしました❣ ラベルに書かれている単語を読み、音節に合わせて手拍子をしたり、指を鳴らしたりしてみました。そして Twinkle Twinkle Little Star の歌詞でRhymeになってるのはどの言葉かをみなさんで考えました👀 フォニックスのクラスは色んなアクティビティをして楽しんでいきたいと思います。来週のクラスも楽しみにしていてください😉✨


It was Shooting Star’s turn to go to their swimming lesson this week. The teacher did some warm up activities like making bubbles in the water, kicking in the water, and more. They learned how to jump in the water, swim with a floating board, and had fun holding on to pool noodles while the teacher was pulling them.

今週はShooting Starのスイミングクラスの番でした。 クラスが始まると口をお水に付けてブクブクしたり、バタ足をしたりした🤩飛び込みの練習、ビート板や浮き輪を使用して泳いだりもしました🏊‍♂️🏊‍♀️

Sports Festival Practice

We went to Mamejima Gym on Monday and Friday to practice for the upcoming Sports Festival on July 6th. We started it with a march followed by a relay race. We grouped the class into two teams. The kids had so much fun playing the relay.

Sports Festivalに向けて大豆島体育館で練習に行ってきました🚌 入場行進の練習とリレーの練習をしました🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ リレーは2グループに分けて対決しました❣ 大いに楽しむことが出来ました😁😁😁


TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way- We Are Curious! (June 21-25)