


Nagano Shooting Stars Go Slowly Our Second Week of School

Some sniffles and occasional coughs and a few friends absent last week became MORE than half of our Shooting Stars too sick to come to school over the weekend! To help slow down the spread of these sicknesses, we decided it was best to close our classroom Monday through Thursday. Students got some optional activities at home to do on the days we were away.

MOST of our class was back by Thursday morning. After music class, we had a fun activity making a snowman on paper by cutting and gluing yarn. Our monthly song (Frosty, the Snowman) and several picture books about snowmen taught us some of the typical material and features of snowmen in other countries, and that they are built using THREE snowballs rather than two, since they are generally STANDING, not sitting.

We are hoping that everyone will be healthy by Monday so we all can sing, study, play and learn together, despite the wintry weather!

今週は、Swimming Open Dayがありました。お休みのお子様も多くおりましたが、お忙しい中、観に来てくださり、ありがとうございました。Music Lessonでは、ピアニカで「きらきらぼし」の練習をしています。先生が話している時、ピアニカの音を出したりせず、しっかりと話が聞けるように取り組んでいます。クラスでは、今月のMonthly Song, “”Frosty the Snowman”を歌ったり、クラスルームで、ダンスを楽しんだりと皆で一緒に過ごしました。また、Snowmanの工作をしました。画用紙の端を折り立ち上げて、立体的に仕上げた紙に、毛糸を切って貼り付け、雪だるまを作りました。みんな集中して取り組んでいて、一人ひとり違う素敵な雪だるまが完成!また、園庭でも、ボールを2〜3個使ってサッカーをしたり、縄跳びに挑戦したりと、楽しく身体を動かしました。

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