


Plenty of Pool Progress! (Nagano Aurora)

Hello Aurora families!

We started off our week with a very special treat (pun intended). We had a bit of an International Day, combining elements of Japanese, Scottish and Norwegian cultures together. From the Japanese side, we made Japanese rice cakes. The students were amazed at how something that looks like the rice we eat for our lunch could very quickly turn into something that looked like pudding! We also prepared some Scottish haggis (sheep stomach, oatmeal and spices), as well as some Norwegian brown cheese and bread. Once we had all of these items prepared, Aurora walked to some of our neighbours near our school and delivered them, as a thanks for helping us this past year. Aurora did a great job supporting supporting their teachers with the difficult tasks they had to perform, thank you everyone!
今週は日本、スコットランド、そしてノルウェーの文化を楽しむスペシャルなイベントをしました(英語では韻を踏んでます)。New Year’s Thanks フェスと名付けたこのイベントは、今年度南高田の地に私たちISNを迎えてくださったご近所の方に感謝のために開きました。日本文化からは餅つき!子どもたちは、普段食べている姿の「ごはん」があっという間に餅になっていく様に驚いていました。つきたてのお餅をちょっとずつ食べてみる子どもたち…口々に”Yummy!”と言って食べました。スコットランドからはハギス(羊の胃、オートミールやスパイスを調理した伝統料理)とノルウェーのブラウンチーズを、園へ来てくださった近所の方や今年お世話になった事業所さんへ出向いて差し上げることができました。

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Next we had an amazing swimming lesson. After taking the bus to the pool and putting our shoes away very nicely, we got changed into our swim suits and stretched our bodies. After we stretched, we showered our bodies and got into the pool. We started off by walking across our platform, jumping into the water, and hopping back towards the front of the line. Next we practised going through hula hoops, making sure to dunk our heads underwater. Then we used kickboards to cross the width of the pool – even keeping our heads underwater for a few seconds, with the help of our teachers. Finally, many students were even able to cross the width of the pool with only the help of our teachers, not even using the kickboards! It was amazing to see everyone becoming so confident in the water, and I am sure the students will be swimming greater distances in no time!

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Finally we had another great music lesson. After saying our greetings to each other, we looked at a picture book with sets of three pictures. We had to identify the picture that started with “Mi”, and clap along to its syllables. After we had identified all the correct answers, we received two sheets of paper, a red sheet, and a yellow sheet. When our teacher called out “Left”, we had to hit the yellow sheet of paper, and when she called out “Right”, we had to hit the red piece of paper. Finally, we pretended once again that we went to an amusement park. We used hula hoops to simulate arriving there by bus, riding on a roller coaster, spinning on the teacups, and even riding the merry-go-round. Everyone had a great time, listened to their teacher very well, and got plenty of exercise.

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Thank you again everyone, and see you again next time!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Plenty of Pool Progress! (Nagano Aurora)