


Rainbow Nagano: Bus trip & Birthday party

先週は、bus tripがあり、今週はジムレッスン、スイミング、リトミックと忙しい週でしたがお友達みんな元気いっぱい楽しい1週間を過ごしました。

The Rainbow kids had their first bus trip of the semester, everyone was so excited for the trip early in the morning when they arrived at the school. We first ensure everyone has their hats on because it will be a sunny day, then we explained the rules to them so that everyone understand what are the priorities when visiting a park. The rules included: Drink water when they feel thirsty, take turn while playing, respect other people at the park, listen & response to teacher’s instructions, inform teacher if they feel uncomfortable and of course, have fun! We arrived at the park and found a nice place for them to have snack, we were so glad that all of them walked in a line and focused on teacher’s instructions. Next, the teacher reviewed the rules to them and they went on to HAVE LOTS OF FUN! Some of them even made the bracelet using the flowers, it was so creative! We had our lunch at school that day, first we turned our classroom into a picnic ground, all of us brought our lunch box and we noticed all of them were unique in designs! Bravo parents! By the end of the day, all of them were satisfied and we are looking forward to our next bus trip again!
Lets play togetherの掛け声と共に一斉に走り出し好きな遊具、遊びたい遊具に一目散!公園には沢山のお友達がいましたがお約束を守り、譲り合い楽しく遊ぶ事ができましたね。1番人気はすべり台と電車!電車では車掌さんになりきりお友達と順番にハンドルを握り運転していました。他にもお花をつんだり、先生にお花でブレスレットを作ってもらい腕につけとても嬉しそうでした。

Besides that, we also had our first birthday party this week in the classroom. We first decorated the classroom and prepare the props in the morning. After the morning circle, we gladly announced and invited the May birthday celebrant to the front. The birthday celebrant was first crowned like a king because HE IS SPECIAL TODAY! Then we begun to interview him, we asked him about his favorite things such as colors, food, and sports, so that everyone will know more about him. After that, we sang a birthday song together, everyone was so loud and full of joy. Lastly, we did a story telling based on the monthly theme: animals. The book name is “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” everyone gazed at the amazing illustrations of the stories and enjoyed every second of it! In addition, we also had cakes as afternoon snack that day. Yummy!
そしてみんなでお誕生日の歌を歌い、先生がBrown bear,Brown Bear,what do you see?の本を読んでくれました。みんな楽しそうに絵を見たり、静かにお話をきいていました。午後のスナックタイムはバースデーケーキ!目をキラキラさせYummy!!と嬉しそうに食べていました。

The swimming lesson was so enjoyable specially it involved games and challenges. For the swimming lesson this week, we did the basic stretches and warm up to prepare ourselves to go into the water. We played the stickers game which they have to stick all the characters flashcards on a board, the students had fun on this game because we did it last time. Besides that, we also played ball tossing, they grab a ball that floats on the water and throw into a basket. Next, the coach set up obstacles in the water and the Rainbow kids have to find a way to swim to the other side, avoid the gap, pass through the hula hoop and repeat them for several times! These obstacles challenged our kids to think and figure out ways to overcome them. All of them passed the obstacles, we also had so much fun at the same time! Good Job Rainbow! See you next time.
みんなで準備運動をし、シャワーを浴びてプールサイドに座りバタ足の練習から始まりました。座って足をバタバタ、うつ伏せになり足をバタバタ!上手に 大きく足を動かすことができました。


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