
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Rainbow Nagano: Snowy & Christmas week!

We are now in the very last week of the year 2021, time really flies! Besides that, it is also the Christmas week too. Therefore, our craft lesson this week was making our own Christmas card! First we received the decorations and the snowman pictures that we colored last week. Then, we think about our favorite spots to put on the decorations on the card. Each of the Rainbow kid was so into it, and in the end we have the card for this season! Good job and Merry Christmas Rainbow!

We have kicked start the week with the snow at school. Each kid wore their own snow wear and had fun at the school ground this week! We had some snowball fight, making snow castle and throwing the snow to the sky like a firework. The kids had so much fun and did not want to go inside the school. Don’t worry, the winter has just begun, it will be snowy again!
子どもたちは、寒さにも負けず元気いっぱい!なんと今週はみんな大好きな雪が降り園庭にもたくさん積もりました。雪があるということで早速みんなで雪遊び⛄スノーウェアーを着て手袋、帽子を被り準備OK!”lets play together”

We also had a birthday party for two of our kids this week. We first introduced themselves and had them tell us their favorite colors, animals, and fruits. Then we sang birthday song and gave them the special made birthday cards. We also read a story named “Stick man” and dance together with the two birthday celebrants. What an amazing year! We would like to wish all the kids and parents Happy Holidays and Happy New Year in advance! See you next year!
今月12月にお誕生日を迎えたお友達が2名いました。そこでみんなでお誕生日会を開催しました!まず初めにお誕生日のお友達が前に出て自己紹介、好きな色、動物、食べ物、などを教えてくれました♬そしてみんなでお誕生日の歌を歌い、先生からバースデーカードをもらいました。うれしそうにお友達にも見せてくれました。次に先生が”stick man”の本を読んでくれました、みんな静かにお話を聞く事ができました。最後にみんなが大好きなダンスパーティー♬音楽が流れると思い思いに身体を動かし踊りだすお友達、楽しいお誕生日会になりましたね。


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