
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Rainbow Nagano: The month of Love

February is the well known month for Valentine’s day, heart and love’s month. To celebrate this special month, the Rainbow kids decorated and colored their own Valentine gift during the craft lesson. Each of them was excited and want to show their parents the craft. Happy Valentine’s day everyone, from Rainbow!
チョコレートやキャンディ、マカロンなどカラフルなスイーツを詰め込んだ可愛らしい作品になりました😊リボンパスタに色をつけたり、キャップの蓋にデコレーションをしキャンディ風にしてみました。作品が出来上がるにつれ、みんなのテンションも上がり、”お父さん、お母さんに見せたい!””持って帰りたい!”と言っていました。今週やっと持って帰れると分かりすごく嬉しそうでした🍫🍭 Happy Valentine’s day !と、大好きなお父さん、お母さんに渡せたかな?
🍫Happy Valentine’s day everyone, from Rainbow! 🍭

This week we had a special activity, the Indoor Gym lesson! We transformed the classroom into a fun gym and allowed the kids to move their body as much as they can! Rainbow kids are never tired of any physical exercises, we enjoyed the indoor activities very much.

Besides that, we also went to play with snow this week as well. We cherished the snowy days and the playtime before Spring comes!

As it is the month of showing love to our love ones specially family, we also sang the song “Skidamarink A dink A dink”. This song taught us to express our feeling of love in a special way and we enjoyed doing the song gestures too!
今月の歌は “Skidamarink A dink A dink” 🎵
好きな人に気持ちを伝えてるような歌になっています。今月は家族について学んでいたり、バレンタインがあったりと家族や友達、身近な人たちに感謝や好きな気持ちを伝える良い機会になりますね♡ みんなで振り付きで元気いっぱい歌っています。是非お家でもお子様と一緒に歌ってみてくだい。


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