
Nagano Preschool


Spring in Nagano! (Nagano Aurora March 9th-12th)

Hello Aurora families!

We have had another great week at ISN!

Spring has come to Nagano, that is for sure! We have been very lucky this week, and had the chance to play outside every single day! Most of the time was just spent playing with our classmates in Aurora, but a couple of times we were able to play with our friends in Rainbow too! When we played with the younger students, it was amazing to see how mature and helpful Aurora has become this year, helping and guiding their friends as they played alongside them. Popular activities outside included playing in the sandpit, climbing on the playground, chasing/being chased by teachers, and playing soccer with our rubber balls. Hopefully the warm and sunny weather continues, so we can continue exercising outside every day!

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Our main activity this week was another fun music lesson. We started off by using flashcards of the Do, Re and Mi sounds, recognizing them by sight. After that, we walked around the classroom, accompanied by our teacher’s piano playing. When she stopped playing, we had to freeze, face the front, and state which flashcard she was holding up. Next, we practised playing on the castanets. Our teacher would play a specific pattern, and we had to first listen to the pattern, and then repeat it back using our castanets. We practised a 1-2-3 rhythm, as well as a beat with a long pause, and then several rapid sounds one after the other. Finally, we got out our pianicas, taking them out of their cases by ourselves, and setting up the hoses. Once we had done this, we practised making the Do note several times, and then limiting it to only playing it three times before stopping. We repeated the same using the Re note. For both of these, we made sure to use the correct hand placement, using our dominant hand’s thumb for Do, and our dominant hand’s index finger for Re. Students are already able to remember which keys on the pianicas are Do and Re, well done!

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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Spring in Nagano! (Nagano Aurora March 9th-12th)