
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest- team spirit 5/26-5/28

First of all, we want to offer our sincerely apology to all the families for the inconvenience that the COVID outbreak has caused. We endeavor and hope things will return to normal as soon as possible, and that everyone can once again enjoy learning together!

初めに、この度の新型コロナウイルス感染症の発生により、ご家族の皆様にご迷惑とご心配をおかけしておりますことを、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 できるだけ早く通常の生活に戻り、再びクラスみんなで一緒に楽しく学んでいくことができるよう願っております!

It is no coincident that this week’s UOI lessons happens to be discussing about germs. What is more fitting than to be discussing about this topic at this point and time. The children had lots of fun learning how germs spread through the glitter glue activity, as well as painting the germ mascots with the straw blowing paint. Now children knew how germs can spread their next step is to learn the proper ways of hand washing and avoid putting hands in their mouths.

今週のUOIレッスンのテーマが細菌であることは、偶然ではありません。 今、このトピックについて話し合うことはとても大切です。 子どもたちは、キラキラの糊を使って細菌がどのように広がるかを学び、絵具とストローを用いて細菌のマスコットを描くことをとても楽しんでいました。細菌の広がり方を学びましたので、引き続き、適切な手洗いの方法や、手を口に入れないようにすることを学んでいきたいと思います。

This week’s phonic lesson we continues to learn about blends and digraphs. Children worked in pairs and came up with words using the magnetic letters. In the reading lesson, they picked their favorite books, read it once to themselves before they move on to read with a friend. All the children have improved on blending the words and tried their best to read the stories. Everyone has given their 120% when it comes to writing the jump out words. They carefully made each strokes and even when they made a mistake, they knew they just have to cross it out and try again!

今週のフォニックスレッスンでは、ブレンディング(音と音をくっつけること)とダイグラフ(2文字で1つの音になる文字)について引き続き学んでいます。 子どもたちはペアになって、マグネットのアルファベットを使って単語を作りました。 リーディングでは、好きな本を選んで自分で一度読んでから、友達と一緒に読んでいます。どの子も今までに学んだ音のブレンド方法を使いながら、一生懸命単語を読んでいました。 英文を読むうえで頻出の単語(Jump Out Words)を書く際にはさらに真剣に取り組みました。慎重に書き順に沿って文字を書き、間違えた時にもそれを線で消して、もう一度チャレンジしていました!

This short week has brought much discussion about COVID 19, and the new steps we need to take in preventing further spread of this pandemic. Despite the changes in our schedules and daily routines, children’s simplicity and pure hearts shone through in the darkest time, They still go on to have fun and work together, one of the children even came up with the idea, “our little caterpillar needs a mask too!!!”, as he made a paper mask for it! Now, that is the team spirit we are talking about!!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest- team spirit 5/26-5/28