
Shimauchi Preschool


RF 5/31-6/3 Oh my goodness! It’s already June!

It was great to see everyone back to the swing of things and ready to learn! Some children were a bit sleepy in the late afternoon, however, they fought through their drowsiness and stayed awake. Everyone said that they missed their friends and were glad to be back.

今週はまたにぎやかなクラスが戻ってきてとても嬉しく思います! 午後少し眠くなってしまった子たちもいましたが、頑張って起きていました。お休みしていたお友達に会えたことをどの子もとても喜んでいました。

The children really enjoyed the UOI experiments when they were learning about proper handwashing procedures. They were all amazed at how soap spread out when it touches the black pepper! We sure heard lots of whoas and wows as they dipped their fingers into the bowl of black peppers. Once again, the children learned the importance of using soap when they wash their hands.

UOIで正しい手洗いの手順を学ぶために行った実験を、子供たちはとても楽しんでいました。 水と黒胡椒の入ったボウルに石鹸のついた指を入れたときの黒胡椒の広がり方にみんなは大興奮し、たくさんの歓声があがりました。手を洗うときに石鹸を使うことの大切さを改めて学ぶことが出来ました。

This week’s UOI lessons focused on the importance of dental hygiene. The children learned why we have to brush our teeth, and using the hippo model, they practiced proper toothbrushing. We then talked about what foods are good/bad for our teeth. And finally, children made a promise that they will eat foods that promote healthy teeth and keep the cavity away.

今週の UOI レッスンでは、歯科衛生の大切さに焦点を当てました。 子どもたちはなぜ歯を磨く必要があるのかを学び、カバの模型を使って正しい歯磨きの練習をしました。 その後、歯に良い食べ物と悪い食べ物について話し合い、歯の健康に良く、虫歯になりにくい食品を食べることを約束しました.

Though we had to cancel our bus trip this time, the children all loved eating their lunchboxes at school and had fun running and playing in the park. They loved catching bugs, and helped clean up the playground trash as well!


As we always said in the class, in whatever we do, we will do our best! Whether children were playing a game together, or making a model with blocks, or doing the phonic and writing lessons, they always tried their best and we are so proud of their efforts! We look forward to all the fun we are going to have in June!

クラスでいつも「ベストを尽くしましょう」と話していますが、子どもたちは何をするにも一生懸命取り組んでくれています! 一緒にゲームをしたり、ブロックで何かを作ったり、フォニックスやライティングのレッスンをしたりと、どの活動も頑張ってくれていて、私たちもとても誇りに思っています。 6月も楽しく学んでいきたいと思います!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / RF 5/31-6/3 Oh my goodness! It’s already June!