
Shimauchi Preschool


Finally, the first bus trip! RF

The children couldn’t hide their excitement of finally going on their very first bus trip, since we had canceled the one scheduled in June. The cake factory was a short excursion for the UOI lesson. The children got to see the backstage of the famous local pastry shop and how the staff worked independently, yet as a team to create the scrumptious sweets! The little garden outside the pastry shop was another interesting spot for children to look for creepy crawlers. Surprisingly they’ve found a tiny frog and created quite a commotion. They certainly wished that they could stay longer, however, this trip made them look forward to the fall bus trip even more! 


We had a short discussion of our bus trip and children shared how much they enjoyed the bus trip, as well as how they saw the bakers working together as a team by doing their parts. The children also shared their homework for the long weekend. It seemed like everyone has really done a great job helping in the house on a daily basis. Great job for recognizing their roles in the family and taking responsibility in the house. 


In this week’s UOI lesson, the children tried the role play challenge with different scenarios and problems. They learned how to solve the various problems, and also identified which community helpers can help in those specific scenarios. The roles were students, teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, ice cream shop owner, and vet. Some were even the turtle or the man who threw waste in the ocean!  It was such a hilarious experience for the children and for everyone to see their peer’s specific role play skills! I guess some of them are certainly ready for this year’s winter show! 

今週のUOIレッスンでは、さまざまなシナリオのロールプレイに挑戦しました。子どもたちは、お話の中の様々な問題を解決する方法を学び、また、どのコミュニティ・ヘルパーがそれらの問題を助けてくれるかを確認しました。役柄は、学生、教師、医師、看護師、消防士、警察官、アイスクリーム屋の店主、獣医。カメや海にゴミを捨てる役も演じました。 子どもたちにとっても、みんなにとっても、仲間の具体的なロールプレイのスキルを目の当たりにして、とても愉快な経験となりました。今年の冬のショーに向けて、何人かは確実に準備ができているのではないでしょうか。

We have added a small group guided reading exercise during the reading lesson. The children reviewed phonic sounds, worked on blending, and making sentences, as well as, worked on some reading skills. The partner reading part during reading is also progressing as children read to their peers and helped each other with unfamiliar words. It is always exciting to see them working together and helping each other. 

リーディングのレッスンでは、担任と少人数での Guided (導く、指導する) Reading を追加しました。子どもたちは、フォニック・サウンドの復習、音のつなぎ合わせ、センテンスの作成などを行い、リーディングのスキルを高めています。また、パートナー・リーディングでは、お友達と本を読みあうことで、わからない単語をお互いに助け合えるようになってきています。協力しあう姿が見られ、大変うれしく思います。

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