
Shimauchi Preschool


LOI1: Completed✔ (Canyon July 26-30)


Hello everyone!

こんにちは みなさん!

This week we finished our topics in LOI1: Animals in our environment which focused on the 4 habitats of animals such as farm, ocean, mountain, and river. To review those animal habitats, the teacher called the students one by one, and asked them to enumerate the animals in the specific habitat. To assess how well the students learned in this line of inquiry, we had an Animal Habitat Matching game, wherein the students had to choose one letter and one number on the board and see if the habitat matches the animal they chose. Another is by completing a worksheet. Students had to match the animals from Column A to their habitats in Column B. They all did a great job in doing these activities!👏


On Monday, we’ll be visiting Alps Azumino Park to see different animals. Who’s excited?🖐 For sure all of them are very excited for this! For this trip, we have to complete a worksheet “Our Field Trip” and we already started with the first box which required them to draw the animals they want to see in the park. We were surprised with their amazing drawings! The animals they want to see are panda, cougar, raccoon, star fish, sea turtle, and monkey. We’ll see on Monday if they’ll be meeting those animals!😁

月曜日には、アルプスあづみの公園に行って、いろいろな動物を見ることになっています。誰が楽しみにしているのでしょうか?きっとみんながとても楽しみにしていることでしょう。この社会見学では、”見学会の様子 “というワークシートを完成させなければなりませんが、すでに最初の箱から始めています。子どもたちの素晴らしい絵に私たちは驚きました。子どもたちが見たい動物は、パンダ、クーガー、アライグマ、ヒトデ、ウミガメ、サルだそうです。その動物たちに会えるかどうかは、月曜日のお楽しみです!

We are still experiencing rainy days, so our class’ craft theme is the sign of the rainy season here in Japan which is Hydrangea flower (Ajisai). We used coffee filters for the flower which they painted by stamping a heart shaped cushion with the color they wanted. Then, they drew the lines on the green papers which served as the leaves and glued them below the flower.


The letter of the week is N as in nest, nut, necklace, nurse, nose, nib, and net. They colored the pictures of those words and practiced writing the uppercase letter N.


In Math, we continue our lesson about ordering numbers. We had a board and worksheet activity that students were able to perform and answer well. They also finished tracing number 2.✍


We also started practicing the exercise and performance dances for the upcoming Sports Festival in September. You can let your children watch the video below and practice at home.


That’s it for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!😊


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / LOI1: Completed✔ (Canyon July 26-30)