
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest: Chalk art perspective

[envira-gallery id=”12618″]This week students in Rainforest have been designing pictures for an outside chalk art activity. They needed to put themselves in the picture so that when we drew it outside, they could lie down on the ground and be part of the picture. I drew a beach scene with a hammock to show them how it would work. This is part of our current IB unit: We are able to express our ideas and emotions through the arts.

As we are learning about ways to be creative, we read a very funny book called When the crayons quit and did a reading response that the book. There are some pictures below.

Students have been learning more about IB learner profile attributes such as being principled
and being balanced. Jin F and Kenichi recognised that they were being principled when I asked
them to tell me the truth and they did.

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