
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest learns more about international mindedness

[envira-gallery id=”12792″]In Rainforest we read a beautiful story called Chester’s Way about a mouse and
his friend Wilson who always like to play together. It reminded us of Jin and
Mitsuki. In the story a new girl moves into their neighbourhood and at first
they don’t play with her because they think she is too different. But one day
they are at the park and too older boys aren’t being nice to them and Lilly
comes along in her cat costume and scares the boys away.

Then the boys realise that she is a caring person and they invite her to
Chester’s house to play. They learn that she likes many of the things they like,
but she also shows them new ways of doing things that are fun.

In class the children drew a picture of the story and identified one of the
IB attributes that they felt were displayed by the characters. The main one
was being caring to others, but Miyu and Ouka also felt that the mice were being
risk-takers because they tried something new by playing with a new person. And
that they were principled because they did right thing by welcoming a new child
into their friendship circle. Koumei liked the way the boys showed communication
skills by talking nicely to Lilly.

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