
Shimauchi Preschool


Fall in to a fun filled week! RF 10/18

Field trip was gloriously fun! The children were extremely excited. When we asked for their feedback on the trip, they were all sharing how much they enjoyed the marshmallow trampoline, the Everywhere Doors, their lunches, the crafts, and just the whole trip! Please find in their backpacks their crafts and the brochures they’ve gotten from the Alps Park. On the way back to school, they were all dead tired, some fell asleep on the bus, some looked at the area maps and talked about where they had played. I am sure you will hear all about it soon! We were so grateful that we finally had our very first and also last field trip together!


This week’s phonic lesson the children started learning about the ending sounds in words. They learned to distinguish between the sounds with “ed” endings, they circled all the “ed” words in the storybooks, and used snap words to make new words with “ing”, “ed”, “s”, and “er”. It was challenging but so much fun. They all did a great job working together.

今週のフォニックレッスンでは、単語の末尾の音について学びました。”ed “の音が単語によって異なることを学び、絵本の中の “ed “で終わる単語をすべて丸で囲み、頻出単語を使って “ing”、”ed”、”s”、”er “を使った新しい単語を作りました。少し難しいチャレンジでしたが、とても楽しかったです。みんなで協力して頑張ってくれました。

Children made their own design of spider webs during the UOI Halloween celebration. They looked at a few samples of spider webs and decided the shapes on how they are going to design their own. After the draft they placed the white glue on their web, sprinkled salt on it and painted it the next day. A lot of them were quite amazed at how the salt stuck on their web and they all loved painting it. 


The children were a busy bee this week! They love working together to play the bingo game at circle time. Some children made an iPhone flip flap booklet with the book they have been working on  during guided reading time. Some children just love helping the teachers decorate the classroom. 


Outdoor play is always a much loved activity. They challenged themselves climbing the edge of the walls, digging up bugs, playing tag, swung on the monkey bars, and competed in the running race. We tried to go out as often as the weather permits, or when our schedule allows it. Having an outdoor routine is such an important part that we definitely can’t live without! 


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