
Shimauchi Preschool


Busy Bees! Canyon Nov.29-Dec.3

働き者のキャニオンさん 11月29日~12月3日

Hello beautiful people and welcome December!


Our class had become so busy this week. We got to practice our play for the Christmas show at the gym and had our photoshoot wearing their costumes for class’ pamphlet. During the practice, we had to fix some dance steps that they often did differently. We will practice more until we all can show a synchronised dance. We are excited to show you our pamphlet and see how cute our boys and girls are with their costumes!


After the practice at the gym, we are lucky to have a park nearby and able to play and collect some pine cones for our craft next week. Yahoo!


In Phonics, we continue to learn uppercase and lowercase letters such as Jj, Kk, and Ll. We did matching type activities. They also finished writing the letters Dd and Ee. 


In Math, we focused on the number 10 by counting objects up to 10, and writing it. We also learned about AB Pattern. They made as many patterns as they could using pom poms and presented it to the class. They were able to make short and long ones. Great job everyone!


In Music class, another pianica key was introduced to them which is “MI”. They are now practicing the sequence: DO RE MI…MI RE DO. The switching of fingers from one key to another is a little bit challenging for them because now three fingers are alternating. They love making music using their pianica, for sure they will enjoy practicing at home too.

音楽の授業では、ピアニカの鍵盤にある ミ “を教えてもらい

In November, two of our students turned 4 years old! And another student is also going to celebrate her birthday this Saturday! We sang and greeted them with a happy birthday! We asked how old they are and they stuck 4 candles on our cake card. Happiest birthday to you!

11月には、2人の子どもたちが4歳になりました! そして、もう一人の子も今週の土曜日にお誕生日を迎えます 「お誕生日おめでとう!」と歌いながらお祝いしました。ケーキカードに4本のロウソクを立てて、「何歳ですか?」と、皆で尋ねました。お誕生日おめでとう。

That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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