
Shimauchi Preschool


Interviewing our friends in Rainforest

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今週から小学部Upper Elementaryのお兄さん、お姉さんとのリーディングタイムか始まりました!

Who We Areのユニットでは、お友達のことを知るインタビュー活動が今週のメインとなりました。

また、今週から始まったShow & Tellでは、お友達の持ってきた「お気に入りのアイテム」に興味津々!


Every Monday and Tuesday starting this week Rainforest will read with Upper Elementary for 15 minutes the morning. Ms Brigitte and I thought this would be a nice way for the older students to help the younger students with their reading.

As part of our unit of inquiry on Who We Are we have been learning how to interview our friends. Students had to sit opposite another person and ask them 4 basic questions about their name, favourite food, colour and siblings.

We collected the answers and used them to make a bar graph to show what was the most popular food and colour in the class. We have started our Show and Tell session and Haruto brought in a great train book which many children loved looking at, as well as a teddy bear storybook and a soft dog he sleeps with.

Thursday will be Hono’s turn then Kaito Y on Friday. I look forward to seeing all the special items that the students bring. Thank-you to all the parents who have sent photos to school and craft boxes for the house each student will build!

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