
Shimauchi Preschool


WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART?- Canyon Oct 31st-Nov 4th

Hello November!✨
One more month to go before our big event— Christmas show!🤩 Our class is getting ready for the said event through reviewing the characters in the story that they are going perform and how all of the characters feel. Also, we are reading different stories often both in English and Japanese so our youngsters can easily adapt various situations, scenarios, characters, feelings and emotions in every story.📖 Our young ones are enjoying it a lot!🙋🏻‍♀🙋🏻‍♂


In our UOI lesson, we are still learning the “Ways to Communicate with Others”.📣 We asked them a question on how are they going to communicate with their parents/teachers when they are hungry. Some of them said, they will ask for their lunch and say, “can I have a lunch, please?”, and some said, they will ask their siblings to write a note for them especially if they can’t talk. Great ideas, Canyon!✨ Thanks for being communicators!💡 For our this week’s activity, we did “What’s in Your Heart” worksheet.💟 Since most of our little ones can’t write or read yet, we asked them to communicate with others through coloring the heart based on how they feel.😌 Each color has its own meaning. Seeing their final output was very interesting! We didn’t expect the results of their activity. Well done everyone!👏🏻

UOI のレッスンでは、「他者とのコミュニケーション方法」を学んでいます📣 「例えばお腹がすいたとき、親や先生にどのように伝えますか?」と質問しました。「何か食べるものが欲しい。」とお願いすると言う答えがほとんどでしたが、「じゃぁ、話しができなかったらどうする?」と条件を追加すると「お兄ちゃんにメモを書いてもらう」と言う子もいました。これもコミュニケーションの一つですね。今週のアクティビティでは、「What’s in Your Heart」というワークシートを作りました💟 ほとんどの子ども達はまだ字が読めないので、自分の気持ちに基づいたハートに色をつけました。色にはそれぞれ決まった意味があります。みんなよく考え、自分自身の心の色を素敵に表現してくれました。上手にできたね😊👏🏻

It was a beautiful weather to go for a walk!🚶🏻‍♀🚶🏻‍♂ We went to the shrine and enjoyed the beautiful view on the top of it!⛩️⛰️ Our youngsters enjoyed playing and seeing some baby stink bugs and snail. Also, we collected some dry leaves and sticks for the sweet potato party this week.🍂 Thanks for your help, little ones!


This week, we said goodbye to our lovely twins!👬🏻 They’ve spent a short time in Canyon class but it was full of happy memories.🥰 We hope to see you again soon…

今週は、双子の新しいお友達とのお別れでした👬🏻 キャニオンクラスで過ごした時間は短いですが、楽しい思い出がいっぱいです。 元気でいてね、忘れないよ✨またいつか会おうね🥰

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!🌻



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART?- Canyon Oct 31st-Nov 4th