
Shimauchi Preschool


A pediatrician’s visit to our class! SVRF 2/10

We are so blessed to have another one of our parents who is a pediatrician come to share what he does at his work. The children listened attentively as he shared and talked about his specialty with the kidneys. We were saddened by the photos of some sick children who are battling with kidney dysfunctions and failures. It was heart wrenching hearing about them, yet at the same time the children are grateful we are healthy and well. Some children commented, “it must be painful to have the tubes connected in the necks.” We hope all the children get well soon. The surprise of the presentation was that the children get to play with the machine that connects two tubes into one. They were thrilled and had a blast!

クラスのお友達のお父さんが小児科医だったので、ゲストスピーカーとしてクラスに来てもらいました。小児科医の仕事内容をみんなにシェアしてくれて、とても嬉しく思います。ありがとうございました!子ども達は、彼が専門とする腎臓の話をとても熱心に聞いていました。子ども達がかかってしまう川崎病について学び、腎不全などの病気と戦っている子ども達の写真を見て、とても悲しくなりました。彼らの話を聞くのは胸が張り裂けそうでしたが、同時に子ども達は私たちが健康で元気であることを感じたと思います。 「チューブを首につないでいると痛いよね」と言う子どももいました。すべての子ども達が早く元気になることを願っています。今回のサプライズは、お父さんが持ってきてくれた2 つのチューブを 1 つに接続するマシン(血液をきれいにする機械)でした。子どもたちは教えてもらった通りに機械を動かすことができ、とても満足そうでした。

Run for your life! The Oni came to our school on Setsubun Day! While the teacher was explaining about this special Japanese celebration, the children were frightened by the sudden visit of the Oni. They threw newspaper balls instead of the traditional beans at the Oni as they chanted, “Oni Out, blessings in!” Sure enough, the Oni was gone after a fierce chase!  

This week’s circle time we had a few discussions related to current issues, math, and literacy. The teacher shared the newest SDG discoveries. We talked about how the scientists discovered that wakame can be used to make plastic instead of crude oil. The children learned how to use rulers and measuring tapes to measure objects, as well as learning about prepositions. 

In UOI lessons the children learned more about the community helpers, their jobs, and created a Paul Klee inspired community drawing. They also learned about fire safety and what to do in a real fire situation. They all cleared the fire drill and got their certificates! 

Reading and phonic lessons are becoming more of a challenge but the children are loving it. They are getting better at reading by learning the strategies and decoding longer words. 

They said it is more blessed to give than receive and that is exactly what the children experienced this week as they learned to bless others with things they have made. We also are sad to lose one of our friends as she transfers to another ISN campus. We wish her all the best! 

This is a look at what the children enjoyed doing this week at free choice time.

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / A pediatrician’s visit to our class! SVRF 2/10