
Shimauchi Preschool


So much joy to share & learn! SVRF 2/17

It has been such an exhilarating week with an Open Day presentation, snow play, and the long awaited visit to the Nagisa Fire Station! The children loved it when parents visited our class where they got to showcase what they had made in the class project. Some children commented before the Open Day, “I am so nervous because I have to speak in front of many people!”  They still gave it their best and all did a great job sharing what was in their tool boxes and what community helper they represent. We hope the parents enjoyed this event and got to see how much their children have grown. 

We were thrilled when we went on the bus trip to the Nagisa Fire Station on Monday! The children gasped when they saw the firetrucks and ambulances. They were counting how many there were! The two firefighters took us around the water tank truck, the ambulance, and rescue truck, patiently explained and showed us the tools they use in various situations. Furthermore, they described what their day is like on a day to day basis, and the children were amazed at what hard work it is to be a firefighter. We really learned a lot and appreciate the opportunity to learn first hand about this community helper. Thank you Nagisa Firefighters! 
月曜日に渚消防署へ見学に行きました。バスで消防署へ向かう間、みんなとってもわくわくでした!消防車や救急車を見て、子ども達は「わーーーお!」と叫びました。みんな車庫に止まっているトラックが何台あるか数えていました! 対応してくださった2人の消防士さんは、給水車、救急車、レスキュー車を紹介してくれました。中の物も詳しく説明してくれ、さまざまな状況で使用するツールも見せてくれました。また、毎日の仕事についても詳しく説明してくれ、子ども達は消防士の大変さに驚いていました。私たちは本当に多くのことを学び、このコミュニティ ヘルパーについて直接見て学ぶ機会に感謝しています。渚消防署の皆さんありがとうございました!

Oh the long awaited snow play finally happened!!! Just as we thought the snow season is over, mother nature surprised us with such a fun day to be rolling in the snow right in our yard! The children had a blast just playing in the snow for a good 40-45 minutes!!

We introduced the number sliding math kit to the children this week. The children have been showing lots of interest in simple addition, and some subtraction. We thought it was time to roll out other tools so they can explore more! We also talked about Valentine’s Day, why and how it is celebrated. The children made Valentine’s Day crafts and cards, we hope they brought a smile to our parents’ faces. Phonics and reading lessons continue to challenge the children with vowel digraphs and decoding longer words. 

We moved on to LOI 2 talking about how the community helpers help us stay safe and healthy. The children played the firefighter’s roles by squirting water at the various houses. They all did a great job putting out the fire at the houses by acting swiftly! We also discussed current issues on crimes and natural disasters, then talked about how these community helpers helped in the situations. As well as how we can play a part assisting in the cases of natural disasters like the one that happened in Turkey/Syria earthquakes. 
UOIではLOI 2 (コミュニティヘルパーはどのように私たちを助けてくれるのか)に移り、コミュニティ ヘルパーが私たちの安全と健康を維持するのにどのように役立っているのかについて話しました。子ども達は消防士になり、さまざまな家に水をかけました。みんな迅速に行動して火事になった家の火を消すという素晴らしい仕事を果たしました!また、犯罪や自然災害に関する問題についても話し合った後、どんなコミュニティヘルパーがどのように犯罪や自然災害を支援したかについて学びました。トルコ/シリアの地震についても話し、このような自然災害の場合に、小ミュニティーヘルパーだけではなく、私たち自身がどのように支援できるかも話し合いました。

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / So much joy to share & learn! SVRF 2/17