
Shimauchi Preschool


The real goodbye! SVRF 3/24

This is the season of bidding farewell and wishing for a better future for everyone. This week we sent off our only graduate in our class. The Canyon and Savanna students made their farewell gifts for our Rainforest friend. It was a surprise assembly and the event brought tears to our eyes to see our students matured over the years. We wish him all the best as he moves on to first grade!  

We also made special certificates for the Savanna students as they completed preschool and will move on to kindergarten (Rainforest Class) in April.  They all did a great job staying enthusiastic in learning new things, as well as being mature thinkers who ask questions. We hope their curiosity helps them enjoy the next chapter of their learning. Congratulations!   
また、年中を修了し、4 月から年長のレインフォレスト クラスに進級するサバンナのみんなのために、修了証書を送りました。彼らはみんな、新しいことを学ぶことに熱心であり、質問をたくさんするInquirer、かつThinker思想家です。この1年間で素晴らしい成長を見せてくれました。みんなの好奇心が、これからの学びを楽しむのに役立つことを願っています。みんな進級おめでとう!

Our snails have grown from their eggs since last autumn. Over the winter they hibernated and grew bigger than we thought. Now that spring is here, it is time to bid farewell to them as well. We went to the shrine to release them into the forest. We wish and hope they will be happier living outside, just being free roaming around in the infinite space that nature provides. So long snails! May you grow strong and enjoy being with your family! 

During gym, the students tried the jump rope challenge that they will be practicing when they start Rainforest class. It was hard but they all did a great job! They are looking forward to the new challenges as they march onward to kindergarten! Thanks to Ms. Shino for a wonderful year of fun! 

The children really enjoyed this year’s dry winter season where they were able to run free under the nice sunshine. The fun never ends when we get together! Keep on discovering things you will see along the way! 

This year, the children have grown so much and matured in their skills. Whether it is reading, writing, creative expression, math, science related or speaking in front of the class or the parents, they have nailed it! Not only are they getting better in penmanship, they also really enjoy writing notes/letters to and with each other. They  are able to decode simple CVC blends and high frequency words, in addition, to enjoy reading simple books using the various reading strategies. We are so proud of them for reaching their milestones! 
この1年で、子ども達は大きく成長し、色々なスキルを身につけました。読み書き、創造的表現、算数、科学関連、またはクラスや保護者の前で話すプレゼンテーションスキルなど、彼らはすべてのスキルを獲得しました!ライティングが上達するだけでなく、お互いにメモや手紙を書くことも心から楽しんでいます。また、単純な CVC ブレンドとよく使う単語を解読して、シンプルな本を楽しく読むこともできます。私たちはみんなが育ちの目標を達成することができたことをとても誇りに思っています!

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