
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest enjoys park day

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IBのユニットは”私たちのいる場所と時間”という新しいユニットに入りました。セントラルアイディアを”国の文化は時間をかけて変わっていく”とし、今週は日本の文化の特徴について探求しました。Mighty MountainやThree Strong Womenなどの絵本を通して、日本にはどんな文化があるのかな?とディスカッションをしました。

今週フォーカスした単語はneighbours(近所), island(島), past(過去), present(現在) and culture(文化)です。


The children were all very excited to have a bus trip! The weather was great and the animals were out to say hello. We even saw a baby monkey. Many of them fell asleep on the bus trip home.

This week we started our new IB unit “Where We Are In Place And Time: The culture of a country changes over time” so we have been exploring characteristics of Japanese culture. We read a story called Mighty Mountain and the Three Strong Women about a sumo in training who meets three peasant women who put him through some tough training before he goes to Kyoto to compete.The children loved it and then in pairs they wrote a few sentences about how some of the pictures depict traditional Japanese traditions and fashion.

Some new vocabulary for this unit is as follows : neighbours, island, past, present and culture. We also learnt some grammar about past and present tense in conjunction with our IB unit and because students are still learning how to say many verbs in the correct tense. Students also drew flags of different countries after we watched a video about students from different countries speaking in their native language or English.

Next week we will start looking at things from the past in Japan and different cultures and how characteristics of their culture are similar or different to Japan.

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