
Shimauchi Preschool


Cool Splash- Canyon(July 3-7)

Hello everyone,

The summer heat is on and we sweat a lot everyday. July has started and finally, everyone’s favorite, to splash in the cool water in the pool. Our youngsters enjoyed playing with their friends squirting water with their toys. The teacher grabbed the shower and had some water sprayed up high to let everyone get cool down. Walking in the water was also a good exercise and made them tired and had a good nap. On the other hand, some friends who weren’t able to get in the water played in the sandpit.

暑い日が続き、汗ばむ毎日が続いていますが、7月に入り、いよいよみんなの大好きなプールでの水遊びが始まりました。友達と一緒におもちゃで水をかけあったり、シャワーで高いところから水を流すと「It’s raining!」と自ら水を浴びに来たり、シャワーのトンネルをくぐったりして楽しみました。水中ウォーキングもいい運動になり、お昼寝では疲れてぐっすり休みました。一方、水に入れなかったお友達は砂場で遊びました。

Welcome to the class

We welcomed a new friend who joined us this month. On his first day, he had a hard time separating from his mom but later on, he tried to manage his feelings and got along playing with his friends. Let’s play and have fun!


Road safety training

This week, we conducted road safety training and we had visitors from the city hall. They explained to us how to walk safely along the road and showed us the right way when crossing. Canyon students behaved well and did nicely walking in pair with the Rainforest students. When crossing the pedestrian lane when the traffic light turns red they stopped, check left and right if there are no cars coming, raised their hands and started walking. Well done, Canyon!


Gym open Day

We had the gym open day and kids were excited to see their families when we were on the bus heading to the gym. They might have been nervous in front of their families but they showed what they are doing normally. They had a valuable time playing with each other using the ball. To dear parents and families, thank you for joining with us. Hope you had a wonderful time with the kids.


Unit 2 begins

We started unit 2 of our UOI and we talk about the theme “Sharing the planet-Animals”. We did the prior assessment and the kids expressed their ideas. When we asked who is living on the planet, the kids say, Mom, Dad, insects, and animals. Then we asked what animals they know. They named a lot of animals and some friends say lion, tiger, penguin, bird, butterfly, cat, dog and many more. The teacher draws them and the kids taught us which habitat they belong to. We will be digging more about the animals they know and we will be learning more about them.

UOI のユニット 2 が始まり、”Sharing the planet-Animals” というテーマについて話しました。地球には誰が住んでいるのかと尋ねると、子ども達は、お母さん、お父さん、昆虫、そして動物と答えました。次に、どんな動物を知っているのか尋ねると、ライオン、トラ、ペンギン、鳥、蝶々、ネコ、イヌなど、たくさんの動物の名前があがりました。また、その動物が空、陸、水の中のどこで生きているのかを一緒に考えました。今回のユニットは、子どもたちの大好きな動物について、探究していきたいと思います。楽しみです!


On July 7th, we celebrate the”Star Festival” and as a custom, we asked each student about their wishes and wrote them on a strip of colorful paper they chose and hang them on specially erected bamboo branches in the hope that the wishes become true.


Thank you for this week. Have a restful weekend and see you on Monday.


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Cool Splash- Canyon(July 3-7)