
Shimauchi Preschool


RF is learning more about shapes and time

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6月₋7月 探求のユニット:Where We Are in Place And Time(私たちのいる場所と時間)
セントラルアイディア:The culture of a country changes over time. (国の文化は時間をかけて変わっていく)

算数では、Jack Hartmanによるとても楽しいSkip countingのビデオを見て、大盛り上がりのこどもたち!
ダンスをしながら、5, 10, 15…と5ずつの数字を数えています。

This week we started our new focus for the next part of our inquiry unit and finished focusing on countries.
On Monday my sister and her boyfriend came to visit ISN for the afternoon and helped the students work on their posters about a country they would like to visit. After that we played outside and Mr Derry impressed the children with his soccer skills!

In math we have been revising skip counting with some fun videos by Jack Hartman where you can dance and count at the same time. We are still learning how to read the time using the hour and minute hand and made some craft penguins with shapes.

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