
Shimauchi Preschool


Gym open day for RF and MW

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探求のユニット:Where We Are in Place And Time(私たちのいる場所と時間)
セントラルアイディア:The culture of a country changes over time. (国の文化は時間をかけて変わっていく)



The children and I had a lot of fun with their parents at the gym open day but of course a few were very sad to say goodbye  at the end of the lesson. At the moment we are learning about the line of inquiry: culture is formed by country. So we have been learning “What is history?” and looking at old pictures of things the children have brought in from home and on the internet.

Many children are fascinated by the ancient Egyptians and the pyramids they built. Thank-you to all their parents for bringing in photos of their children from ages 0 to 5 or 6 years old. We will do a writing activity for our IB unit with these photos.

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