
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon’s transportation tour- March 11th-15th

Hello everyone,

We were lucky enough to be blessed with good weather to enjoy our transportation tour. Our purpose was to see the different types of transportation. We brought the transportation map and checked what we saw. Canyon students were thrilled about our tour when we got on the bus. First, we visited the park where we saw the steam locomotive train. Everyone was amazed and tried to get closer, touching and holding some parts of the old train. They were able to say some characteristics of the train they saw. Some students say… “It has big tires, they are very hard! I like black, it’s cool! It’s long! After we enjoyed seeing the train, we proceeded to our next destination, to see the airplane’s departure. While heading to the next destination, kids tried to find the transportation they saw on the road. Kids described what they saw and said “It is long! It’s big! It’s fast! When the plane took off in the sky, they tried to run in the direction in which the airplane ran and took off and waved goodbye. After seeing the plane, we spent a little time in the park and played. Then we headed to the train station and the kids saw many trains stopping by. On our way back to school, we passed by the bus company parking area, and there, the kids saw many buses. On the road, they also spotted a lot of different types of transport and were able to name them while they pointed them. That was a wonderful tour and the children enjoyed it.

青空が広がる中、乗り物探しツアーに出掛けました。目的地までの道中も、バスの窓から見える乗り物を見つけ楽しみました。最初の場所は、蒸気機関車のある公園を訪れました。黒くて大きな機関車に、みんなびっくり。「タイヤが大きいね。」「黒くてかっこいいね。」「煙突があるね。」「どこに乗るのかな?」と今の電車との違いを見つける事も出来ました。次の目的地は、飛行場!飛行機の離陸と同時に子ども達も並走して見送りました。「長い!」「大きい!」「速い!「音がうるさい!!」と大興奮!!そして最後は、駅に行きバスの中から、電車や貨物列車、バス会社の駐車場の横を通りたくさんの高速バスを見ることが出来ました。 「次は何を見る?」と聞くと、「Hot air balloon!」と言い空に注目して乗り物を探す子ども達が可愛かったです。素晴らしい乗り物探しツアーになりました。

It was a special day for Canyon students and they were able to have the chance to explore in Savanna’s classroom. All 4-year-old students went to observe and experience how do Savanna students spend their day at school. They played together, they ate their lunch together and they learned how Savanna students behave in the classroom. Savanna students were very kind to them and they taught our younger ones what to do especially their routine during lunch time. Savanna Students, thank you for the warm welcome and your kindness. Canyon students were motivated and excited to be the next Savanna soon. On the other hand, our 3 years old kids stayed in the classroom and half of Savanna students came and they ate lunch together. Our little ones were glad having Savanna students in our classroom.


We are almost through with our alphabet and phonics lesson. We learned the alphabet T and U this week. After tracing the alphabet U, we did a fun activity “Jumping on the puddle”. We played the music and the children danced walking around the alphabet on the floor. When the music stopped they had to jump on the alphabet U puddle. When they can’t step on the U puddle they will be the loser and they have to stay at the side and cheer for their friend. They all did their best but in the end, only one person can be the winner. You did a good job, Canyon!

アルファベットとフォニックスのレッスンが終わりに近づいてきました。今週はアルファベットのTとUを学びました。アルファベットのUをなぞった後、”Jumping on the puddle “という楽しいアクティビティーをしました。音楽が流れると、子どもたちは床の上のアルファベットの周りを歩きながら踊ります。音楽が止まったら、アルファベットのUの水たまりに飛び乗り、水たまりを踏めなかったら負け。友だちを応援にまわります。椅子取りゲームと同じルールなので子ども達もよく理解が出来ていました。ゲームの勝ち負けがわかってきて、悔しくて泣いてしまう子もいましたが、みんなよく頑張りました!

After the heavy snow and outdoor play

Next Monday, we will have a Farewell party for the Rainforest students. We will be singing a song for them. Attached below is the song. Please sing with the kids at home.


Thank you for this week. Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday.


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon’s transportation tour- March 11th-15th