
Shimauchi Preschool


Looking back – Savanna 3.18 – 3.22

“Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.” – Roy Bennett.

“未知の世界に足を踏み入れるまでは、自分が何でできているのかわからない” – ロイ・ベネット

The beginning of the year in Savanna has started with lots of anxiety: mixed emotions, new teachers, new environment – What’s this year going to be like? How will the future treat us? What will the unknown look like?

Stepping into the unknown requires lots of courage, tenacity, and power to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead; all of these are the definition of every Savanna student: They have aced the activities that were given to them, finished the tasks with flying colors, learn from their mistakes, navigate their learning and design the outcome of every project they started.


未知の世界に足を踏み入れるには、勇気、粘り強さ、障害を乗り越えるパワーが必要です。 サバンナの子ども達はみんな、目の前の活動を楽しみ、みんなで協力し、工夫しながら課題をやり遂げ、失敗から多くの事を学び、すべてのプロジェクトに全力で取り組んできました。

The Savanna students shone the brightest and have left a big impact not just on the school premises but also on the community, and we all just couldn’t be prouder of them.

But their journey does not finish here, they will move on and continue to build their profiles, hone their skills, develop their personalities, learn more, and share more; their legacy has just begun.



This week has been a relaxing week for everybody.

We had a send-off party for the Rainforest students at the gym, we sang, danced, played, and awarded our beloved RF students something to remind them of us. It was a lot of fun! Also, we visited their classroom and had a glimpse of how it feels to be rainforest students!




Before we move forward, the whole class reflected and made a memory book. This book gave us the chance to remember the memories we have made with our friends and reminded us of the journey we had in Savanna’s class.


This may be our last blog as Savanna students, but we are more than excited to share with you our upcoming adventures as Rainforest! See you there!

For now, have a lovely weekend!



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