
Shimauchi Preschool


Nature Walk: Rainforest 06/03 – 06/07

Time flies and the Rainforest is up to a new inquiry unit.

As a provocation to the unit, the whole class walked outdoors to observe their surroundings. Along with their parents, our little inquirers looked at different plants in the area and saw how they differ from each other, why they are unique, and why they are special. They were tasked to bring one type of plant back to school using their nature bag to observe and examine.



The walk with the parents was super fun; our Rainforest students showed how principled they are walking along the road, and how good they are when crossing the streets. We are super proud of them.


Back to the classroom, the inquirers took their specimens out and observed their plants. One student asked tho: What is “observe”? The whole class helped him to identify the difference between taking a look and observing. The whole class enjoyed taking some information like shapes, colors, size, smell, and more and recording them in their observation sheet!

クラスに戻り、摘んできた花や葉っぱを散歩バックから取り出して植物を観察しました。「”観察” って何?」と質問しながら、”見る”と”観察”の違いを確認しました。形、色、大きさ、匂いなど自分たちが発見した事を観察シートに絵を描きました。

The start of the unit was a big success, we are hoping that everyone will have a blast inquiring about this unit!


Finally, the day that the Rainforest class and Milky Way class of ISN Minami Campus has arrived, the Playdate time! As part of this program, the two sections of preschoolers headed to the field and planted rice. They were first worried if they would enjoy the activity as going in the mud was one of the requirements to accomplish the task. But as expected, everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed soaking in the mud as they planted rice in the field. We will surely not forget this experience.

いよいよ島内キャンパスのRainforestクラスと南松本キャンパスのMilky Wayクラス合同の田植えの日がきました!Unit 2植物に関するの学びの一つとして、子ども達は田んぼに出かけ、田植えを行いました。泥の中に入る経験は初めての子どもも多く、ドキドキした様子でしたが予想を上回るほど、みんな泥んこになりながら田植えを楽しみました。この経験はきっと忘れられないでしょう。

The fun did not finish in the field, the Rainforest students invited their friends back to the campus and had lunch together. They ate together and enjoyed the food prepared for them as they reminisced about the fun activity they just had in the morning.

田植えの後、Milky Wayクラスと一緒に島内キャンパスで、午前中の楽しかった田植えを思い出しながら一緒に給食を楽しく食べました。

After that, they all relaxed in the library as they read their favorite book.


We finished the event by offering a simple song to our lovely friends. We sang the song “It’s a Beautiful Day” to them as a thank you for coming and spending a good time with us!

最後に、RainforestクラスからMilky Wayクラスのお友達へ、一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしてくれたことへの感謝の気持ちを込めて、「It’s a Beautiful Day」を歌いました!

We are looking forward to having more fun activities in the coming days and saving these experiences in our memory bank!


See you all in the next blog.


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Nature Walk: Rainforest 06/03 – 06/07