
Shimauchi Preschool


Happy International Family Day- Canyon June 10th-14th

International Family Day is celebrated to recognize the importance of families and their role in society, raise awareness about the significance of families, highlight the challenges they face, promote the ideals of togetherness, and showcase the efforts that strengthen family units worldwide.
To show appreciation for their families, our youngsters made a special fridge magnet. They decorated it with colorful beads and painted it with their desired colors. Our little ones made it with lots of love! Hope you like it…


In our UOI lesson this week, we did our ongoing assessment where the children sorted the pictures of all the teachers at ISN-Shimauchi in their respective rooms. It was good to know that most of our kids knew the teachers and which class they belong to. Well done, Canyon!

今週の UOI レッスンでは、子ども達が 島内キャンパスの先生たちの写真を見て、それぞれの先生がいる部屋の写真に貼り付けるというアセスメントをしました。ほとんどの子ども達が、先生とその所属クラスを知っていることが分かりました。さすがだね、キャニオンさん!

In our LOI2, we are discussing “People Around Me,” so we invited a guest speaker to talk and share something about herself. Meet Ms. Serena. She’s one of the homeroom teachers of Savannah class. Everybody enjoyed Ms. Serena’s presentation in the class. She took us to her home country, Singapore. We learned about the national flag of Singapore, how the country looks, how long it takes from Singapore to Japan, and finally, we met her family. Thank you so much for bringing us to your home country, Ms. Serena! Now, everyone is looking forward to visiting Singapore!

探究の流れ2では、「私たちの周りの人々 」について話し合っています。今週は、サバンナクラスのMs . Serenaをゲストスピーカーとして招き、彼女自身について話してもらいました。Ms.Serenaは、出身国のシンガポールに私たちを連れて行ってくれました。シンガポールの国旗や国の様子、シンガポールから日本までは飛行機でどのくらいかかるのかなどを、自分たちが飛行機になりきって学びました。最後に、Ms. Serenaの家族にも会いました。Ms. Serena、私たちを母国へ連れて行ってくれて本当にありがとう!みんなシンガポールに行きたくなってしまいました!


When we started planting tomatoes, we always encouraged our youngsters to remember to visit and water them every day as if they were included on their daily to-do lists. It’s nice to see them taking care of their tomatoes. Now they are growing and have flowers. Thank you for being caring, Canyon!


This month, we learned a new song, “Zip A Dee Doo Dah.”

今月歌っている歌です。 ご自宅でも是非歌ってみてください。”Zip A Dee Doo Dah.”

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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