
Shimauchi Preschool


TYPES OF ANIMALS- Canyon July 8th-12th

Our planet is giving us a place to live, breathe, and thrive.

In our UOI lesson this week, we had our prior knowledge assessment where we evaluated our little ones’ further learnings about animals. First, we identified the 3 types of animals: land, sea, and farm. Our youngsters enumerated the names of the animals and placed them in their habitats. It was interesting how our kids sorted the animals one by one. Well done, Canyon!



As part of the lesson, we sang and danced to these songs:


Related to this lesson, we made some animal playdough mats. Our youngsters are enjoying playing with them during our workstation time. They have a variety of animals to choose from, and then they use the playdough to create something that is missing in the picture. This activity aims to develop their fine motor skills. It helps them to develop eye-hand coordination, the ability to match hand movement with eye movement. They also gain strength and improve their skills in performing tasks with their hands and fingers, critical areas of physical development for writing, drawing, and other purposes.


As we go further with our discussion about “caring,” our little ones are applying it in their everyday life at school. They are hugging a friend, saying “I love you,” asking if their teachers and friends are okay by asking, “Are you okay?”, playing nicely, sharing toys with everyone, and helping each other clean up their toys. We are so proud of you, Canyon!

IB学習者像のひとつである、「思いやりを持つ人」についての話し合いが進むにつれて、子ども達はスクールでの日常生活で「思いやり」を持つことを意識するようになってきました。お友達を抱きしめたり、「I love you 」と言ったり、「Are you okay? 」と先生やお友達の様子を伺ったり、仲良く遊んだり、みんなとおもちゃを共有したり、お友達と協力し合っておもちゃの片付けを手伝ったりしています。思いやりのあるキャニオンさん達を、私たちは誇りに思います♡

This week, we conducted a fire drill. It was our young ones’ first time doing the drill, but everybody did a great job! First, we had a discussion about what a fire is and what will happen if it occurs. Then, we talked about the safety precautions when there is a fire, such as the following:


– Do not push your friends.

– Do not run.

– Do not talk.

– Do not come back.

– Cover your mouth.



みんな冷静に、先生の指示をよく聞いて行動することが出来ました。Great job!

In the gym lessons, we practiced running for the sports festival in September and did fun activities with paraballoons. Everyone grabbed a large balloon together and made jellies and houses by swinging it, lifting it up, and climbing inside to the teacher’s cue. Canyon students were very good at breathing together and made a very big house.


Canyon learned a new song during our circle time.


Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / TYPES OF ANIMALS- Canyon July 8th-12th