
Shimauchi Preschool


SHOW AND TELL- Canyon July 16th-19th

Hi everyone!

This week, our youngsters had fun-learning activities in our UOI lesson. First, we reviewed our UOI lesson and determined what the different farm animals are. To assess our little ones’ further knowledge about the lesson, we asked them to give an example of an animal that lives on the farm. Some said lion, dog, rabbit, cow, pig, shark, sheep, polar bear, koala, elephant, cat, and turtle. After that, we went to the library to watch a video about farm animals. Through this video, our young ones determined what types of animals live on the farm.



Also, we had our “show and tell” activity where they brought some pictures of them from the zoo, farm, and sea with the different animals they’ve seen. It was good to see our youngsters standing in front of the class and sharing how they enjoyed their trip with their families, what animals they saw, and we determined where those animals live.

(We are doing 2-3 presenters each day so others can do their presentations next week onwards).

午後のサークルタイムに、Canyonさんたちが家から持ってきてくれた写真を使って、「ショー・アンド・テル」を行っています。自分たちが動物園や牧場、海や水族館で見たさまざまな動物の写真を持ってきて、みんなの前に立ち、家族と一緒にどのように旅行を楽しんだか、どのような動物を見たか、そしてその動物がどこに住んでいるのかを発表しています。自分の写真が出てくると、みんなとってもうれしそう。見た動物が、大きかったか、小さかったか、何を食べるのかなどを、一生懸命発表してくれました。Well done, Canyon!


All the hard work paid off!

After taking care of and watering our tomatoes for many weeks, finally the long wait is over! This week we harvested some tomatoes from our schoolyard and ate them at lunch. Our little ones were so happy and excited to harvest their tomatoes and eat them. They said it’s yummy!

トマトの苗を植え付けしてから、何週間もお世話と水やりを続けてきましたが、ようやく長い待ち時間が終わりました!緑色だったトマトが黄色や赤に変わったことを発見し、Canyonさんたちは大喜び。みんな一つずつトマトを収穫し、ランチの時に分けて食べました。自分たちで採ったトマトは格別!「It’s yummy!」と言って、何度もおかわりをして食べる子もいました!

Have an awesome weekend everyone! 良い週末をお過ごしください。

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / SHOW AND TELL- Canyon July 16th-19th