
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon’s Trip to Horseland- Aug 19th-23rd

This school year, all campuses decided to have more collaboration time and interaction among students, so we came up with the idea of having a “playdate” where the Aurora class (3-4 years old) from Minami Campus came to Shimauchi to have a trip with our Canyon class to Horseland. It was a great opportunity for everybody to get to know each other and learn more about the other campuses. Our trip to Horseland was enjoyable! Our little ones learned a lot from the staff as he shared some information on how to take care of horses, how to feed them, and he also showed us the barn, where they put the horses’ manure to use as fertilizer. They also had a chance to feed the horses with what they call “horse cookies.” Everybody had so much fun on this trip! This activity is part of our UOI lesson, where we are learning about “People and Animals Help Each Other.”

今年度、ISNのキャンパス間で交流やコラボレーションの時間を増やそうということになり、その一回目のアクテビティとして、ISN南松本キャンパスのオーロラクラス(年少)と一緒に「ホースランド安曇野」に訪問する「Playdate」をすることになりました。他のキャンパスで過ごす同じ年代のお友達のことをよく知る良い機会になりました。ホースランドでは、スタッフの方が馬とお友達になる方法や、馬はどんな食べ物が好きなのかをクイズ形式で教えてくれたり、普段馬たちが住んでいる場所や、馬の糞を見せてもらいました。この糞は、野菜を育てるための大切な肥料になるそうです。最後は、「馬クッキー」と呼ばれるエサを、一人ずつ馬に与える機会もありました。スプーンを使ってエサやりをしましたが、馬が強い力でスプーンをひっぱるのでみんなとてもびっくりしていました。今回のアクティビティはUOIレッスンの一環で、「人と動物は助け合う 」について学ぶことが出来ました。スクールに戻ると、教室にある馬のフィギアや他の動物たちを使って、さっそく動物園や牧場作りを楽しんでいました。みんなにとって、とても印象深い訪問になったようです。

This week, we conducted an earthquake drill. However, this drill was not the usual drill we do on our campus. We conducted it after nap time. Natural disasters like earthquakes may occur at any time of the day, so we are training our youngsters just in case something happens during nap time. We taught them that when they hear the bell ring, they need to cover their heads and bodies with their beds to keep themselves safe while it’s still shaking. Then, when it stops, they need to put on their hats and shoes and evacuate quickly from the building. Everybody followed the rules well, and we reflected on whether we did well or not after the drill. Great job, Canyon!



Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! 素敵な週末をお過ごしください!

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