
Shimauchi Preschool


Savanna: Butterfly Observation and Unit 2 Review September 16-20

Our first chrysalis has transformed into a butterfly! Our calm rainy afternoon was pleasantly interrupted… Ms Serena, no more chrysalis! It’s a butterfly! Sure enough, a beautiful swallowtail butterfly hung from the top of the tank. Wings still damp, it did not attempt to flap about. WOW, so big. Look at the tails. It’s a swallowtail, age-hacho! Same as this picture! Another said in Japanese… miracle! We set it free in our schoolyard and managed to capture the moment of flight on camera!


Butterfly fever in was definitely in the air. Savanna was in for a treat. Someone brought to class a big tank of butterflies. Thank you! We were able to observe with our very own eyes a butterfly drinking with its proboscis or long mouthpiece.


We have also begun our review of the unit. We looked back on the weeks of learning. In July, we had some prior knowledge and shared WHAT I KNOW then about insects, bugs and minibeasts. This week, we looked at the IB Wall, referred to books and talked to one another. Indeed, our inquiries have been fruitful. I learned... names of minibeasts… head, thorax, abdomen.. life cycle… what bugs like to eat ladybugs eat aphids.. bees give us honey for honey toast! Excellent work, Savanna. We drew and wrote down WHAT I LEARNED.

今週はユニットのレビューを開始し、約3ヶ月間の学びを振り返りました。 7月に、昆虫やミニビーストについて、その時点で自分たちが知っていること(予備知識)をクラスで共有しました。そして今週、サバンナさんは クラスのIB ウォールを眺め、本を参照し、お互いに話し合いました。私たちの3ヶ月の探究は、きちんと実を結びました。これまでに学んできたものは…ミニビーストの名前、体の部位の名前(頭、胸部、腹部)虫たちのライフサイクル、虫が好むもの、てんとう虫はアブラムシを食べる、ミツバチはハニートースト用の蜂蜜をくれる、などなど。たくさんの知識が身につきました。素晴らしいね、サバンナさん。私たちは学んだことを絵に描いて記録しました。

This week’s highlight was most definitely a visit by the Fire Department. A bright red fire truck pulled into ISN driveway and Savanna gasped! It was a surprise, students were not told. The firefighters from Nagisa Fire Station reviewed emergency evacuation procedures. ISN staff were also shown how to use fire extinguishers.

Till next week, have an enjoyable long weekend!

今週のハイライトは間違いなく「消防士たちの訪問」でした。真っ赤な消防車が ISN の敷地内に到着し、サバンナさん達は息をのみました!生徒たちには知らせていなかったので、みんな驚きでした。なぎさ消防署の消防団員が緊急避難の手順と初期消化の大切さについてお話ししてくれました。ISNの先生方も消火器の使い方を学びました。


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