
Shimauchi Preschool


MAKING ICE CREAM IN A BAG 袋でアイスクリーム作ったよ- Canyon Sept. 17th-20th

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin

In our UOI lesson this week, our youngsters made very yummy ice cream from cow’s milk! We asked them to pour the ingredients into a ziplock bag and mix them well. Then, they put the ice cream in another big ziplock bag with ice cubes and salt and shook it well to freeze it. And they did it! They really enjoyed this activity a lot! Everybody was so excited to eat it, and finally, during the afternoon snack, we had a very fun ice cream party!

今週のUOIレッスンでは、子どもたちが牛乳からとってもおいしいアイスクリームを作りました!①牛乳300mlとお砂糖大さじ2杯を小さなジップロックに入れます。②カップ一杯分の角氷と塩大さじ6杯を入れた別の大きなジップロックを用意し、牛乳と砂糖が入ったジップロックをその袋の中に入れます。③あとは5分間ひたすら振るだけ!美味しいアイスクリームを作るため、みんなで交代してジャンプしたりしながら、上下に振り続けました。すると、液体状だった牛乳が固まりアイスクリームになりました!牛さんからもらった牛乳で、美味しいアイスクリームを作ることができました。So yummy!It’s cold!と、みんなおいしそうに食べていましたよ!


In our phonics and writing lesson, we learned about the letter K, its sound, and some words that begin with it, such as kangaroo, king, key, kiwi, kettle, and kite. For our activity, the students looked for the letter K around the classroom and in the books.

フォニックスとライティングのレッスンでは、Kの文字とその音、そしてKから始まる単語(kangaroo, king, key, kiwi, kettle, kiteなど)を学びました。手作りの虫眼鏡を持って、たくさんのKの文字を教室や本の中から探しました。


Summer is almost over, so our little ones are enjoying the last days to play in the mud. They love making things out of it, like chocolate cake, drinks, and cookies. They also had fun jumping in the puddles.


Music class

In Music class, our little ones started playing bells this week. They hold the bell with their left hand and tap their left wrist with their right hand to make the sound. They have practiced rhythm hitting by clapping their hands many times, so they were able to quickly apply it with the bell.

Musicレッスンでは、今週から鈴を演奏することを始めました。左手で鈴を持ち、右手で左手首をたたくことで音を鳴らします。子ども達は手をたたくリズム打ちを何度も練習してきたので、鈴で応用することがすぐに出来ました! Good job!

Safety First!

This week, we conducted an earthquake drill where we invited some firefighters from Nagisa Fire Station to explain the things we need to do when an earthquake occurs and when a fire starts because of the earthquake, such as the following:  

– Do not push your friends.  

– Do not run.  

– Do not talk.  

– Do not come back.  

– Cover your mouth.

They also taught us the proper way to use a fire extinguisher, and teachers demonstrated to the children how to put out the fire.

Everybody did a great job of following the rules.



  • 友だちを押さない。
  • 走らない。
  • しゃべらない。
  • 戻らない。
  • 口をふさぐ。



Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone! 素敵な週末をお過ごしください!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / MAKING ICE CREAM IN A BAG 袋でアイスクリーム作ったよ- Canyon Sept. 17th-20th