
Shimauchi Preschool


WRAPPING UP OUR UNIT 2- Canyon Sept. 24th-27th

Hi everyone!
This week, we completed Unit 2. Students had their one-on-one interviews for their summative assessment, where they shared what they have learned throughout the unit. It was good to hear that our little ones could share what they can do to help animals and save our planet. Well done, Canyon!


They also received a certificate of appreciation for being kind and caring toward animals. Good job!


For our workstation, we did writing and cutting activities. Our youngsters traced uppercase letter “L,” and others cut shapes while waiting for their turn. These activities aim to develop students’ fine motor skills and improve their attention to tasks.

ワークステーションの時間には、ライティングとハサミの練習をしました。大文字の 「L 」をなぞったり、順番を待つ間に四角い形を切る練習をしたりしました。子ども達はみんな真剣に取り組んでいます。これらのアクティビティは、子ども達の手先の運動能力を発達させ、作業に対する注意力を高めることを目的としています。

Enjoying the last days of summer.
Summer is nearly coming to an end, so our young ones are grabbing the chance to play in the water and enjoy outdoor activities. They enjoyed playing in the water at the park and playing in our schoolyard. They caught an insect, made something out of the sand, picked tomatoes and flowers.


Have a good weekend, everyone!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / WRAPPING UP OUR UNIT 2- Canyon Sept. 24th-27th