
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest and Field Trip Inquiries: January 29 to February 2

The visit to Matsumoto Clean Center was an eye-opening experience! We were shown ‘the pit’. This is where all the trash transported by the garbage trucks are collected. Trash are separated, compacted and wrapped. Rainforest: Woah so much garbage! Look at the cranes! It is not so smelly. I can see the fire! From the the monitor screens in the main control center, we could see the reddish orange flames of the incinerator. How hot? 900 degree celsuis! We also learned that burning trash greatly reduces it down to only one tenth of it original volume. Of course, we were reminded to use everything and not to create too much waste.

先週の金曜日、松本クリーンセンターに見学にきました。目を見張るような体験でした。私たちは「ごみピット」を見せてもらいました。ゴミ収集車によって運ばれたゴミはすべてここに集められるそうです。ゴミは分別され、圧縮され、包装される。子ども達は、「うわぁ、ゴミがいっぱい!」「クレーンを見て!」「そんなに臭くないよ。」 「火が見える!」メインコントロールセンターのモニター画面からは、焼却炉の赤みがかったオレンジ色の炎が見えました。「どのくらい熱いですか?」「ダイオキシンを発生させないように、900度以上です。」 見学に行く前に疑問に思っていた、どうしてゴミを燃やすの?の質問をしてみました。ゴミを燃やすと、元の体積の10分の1にまで激減することもわかりました。クリーンセンターの方は、私たちはすべてのものを壊れるまで大切に使い、食べ物も残さずにゴミを出しすぎないようにと仰っていました。

We were also shown an upcycling paper machine. This uses dry fiber technology. Used paper can be upcycled and made into new usable paper. Rainforest was given paper planes made from that very same technology. The class will bring home their paper planes to make at home this week. We had a post-field trip discussion back in school. Rainforest drew and wrote down what they learned. We made a Thank You card for Matsumoto Clean Center to show our appreciation to our community. It truly takes a village to raise a child!


The fun doesn’t stop here. Another upcoming trip to Syneco in Azumino is our next learning treat! Rainforest has become skillful Thinkers and Inquirers, one of our IB learner profiles. We have thought about what we already know about SynEco, and what we want to find out and see for ourselves!

With Setsubun around the corner, Rainforest made demon Oni masks. Every student in Rainforest chose the colour red because they said they belong to the Red Demon Family. How touching, a united bunch of demons! Oni wa Soto, Fukuwa Uchi! Demons out, Good Luck In! Till next week, have an exciting Setsubun weekend!



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest and Field Trip Inquiries: January 29 to February 2