
Shimauchi Preschool


Shooting star / Savanna November 5th to 9th

Hi everyone, this week our compound phonics we focused on was “at” and “ap”.  We did some sheets , sang songs and practiced some vocabularies with these phonics. We compared sizes with comparative forms of words, eg, big bigger biggest. We are about halfway reading our book, ” Big Bad Bat”.
今週のフォニックスはatとapにフォーカスしました。ワークシートをやったり、歌をうたったりしてatとapの入った単語などを学習しました。大きさの違いを表す言葉(例:大きい、もっと大きい、一番大きい、等)を学習しました。リーディングは、Big Bad Bat(大きな悪いコウモリ)を半分終わらせる事ができました。

We also handed out the assigned and reassigned roles after careful contemplation for the Christmas play. Please read and practice the students lines at home. We will continue to practice the play at the school daily. We had a Fire drill on Friday.
In our UOI for Ib we made story books, and everyone came up with a creative story of their own.
木曜日は天気が良かったのでパークに行き、元気一杯 こおり鬼で遊んで、いっぱい走りまわったり遊具で仲良く遊んだりで、たくさん体を動かす事ができました。

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Shooting star / Savanna November 5th to 9th