
Shimauchi Preschool


Savanna/ Shooting star 11 – 15 June.

Good day everyone. This week we covered a lot of worksheets. We did a lot of practice on the phonics of the letter “O”.  We also practiced writing it in our notebooks. Everyone is making very good progress. Our students are becoming more empathetic  and caring towards each other.  In our gym class we started running a race and had a lot of fun. In our UOI  we acted out a household where all the students pretended to be a family member and take care of each other.
Our new book for the next week is “The tot and the Pot.” We can read this at home and in class for the next week. The older books we can keep at home and read as a review. We hope everyone has a very good weekend.
フォニックスのレッスンではLetter Oについて学び、たくさんワークシートをしました。またノートへのライティングでは進級当初よりも成長がみられてきています。
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TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / Savanna/ Shooting star 11 – 15 June.