
Shimauchi Preschool


Bus trip to Chihiro Iwasaki Museum

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I think it’s fair to say that almost everyone had a great time on our bus trip yesterday. The Chihiro Iwasaki Museum is a beautiful place and the outside areas are just as stunning as the interior. Karin was so excited she said she could’t sleep very well on Wednesday night.

The library and playroom for children was very popular as well as the musical instruments outside that you can play with. The old train with a library inside was probably the most popular place for the ISN children as they could open and close the old doors and see the steering wheel. I enjoyed seeing the replica house where Iwasaki lived near Lake Nojira, I recommend going there if you haven’t already.

Photos from yesterday will be updated over the weekend as Ms Sayo used the big school camera. Almost everyone fell asleep on the bus trip back and hopefully they all had a solid night’s sleep!

The children are almost finished the current unit “How we organise ourselves” so we played 3 games of dodgeball and the students have been put in groups to conduct an interview to talk about the game.

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