
Shimauchi Preschool


Canyon June 10-14

It has been another fruitful week for Canyon students!
We had our guest who discussed about how to protect and brush our teeth properly. Good thing, we are doing it correctly everyday!
Canyon friends was taught how to plant sweet potato. Everyone was excited to do it in actual! They worked hard to dug the soil and make a hole for them to plant the sweet potato sapling there. We’ll have to wait for months to see the fruit underneath the soil.
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For this week’s lesson, we discussed about another set of foods such noodles, soup, desserts like cake, pie, ice cream, cupcakes, candies, etc., and meat such as pork, beef, fish and chicken. They chose their favorite among the variety of foods we learned. In lunch, we tried to name what food we have in our plates. That was great because everyone tried to classify their food!
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We had a very exciting Gym and Music class this week. Our class was actively participated in different activities/lessons their teacher prepared for them.
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“I” as in ice cream, ice skate, iguana, and ivy is the focus of our phonics. They also traced this letter in 3 strokes. We let them watched a video showing iguana and ice skate for them to be familiarize with these vocabularies.
This Sunday will be a special day for our Papa/Daddy. I’m sure Canyon Daddies will be one of the happiest father on Earth because they will be receiving a present from their children! They designed a COASTER using  colored square tiles. Everyone is very excited to see their daddies’ big smile on Sunday!Happy Father’s Day!
今週は「I」の音とIから始まる単語、 ice cream(アイスクリーム), ice skate(アイススケート), iguana(イグアナ), ivy(蔦)を覚えました。イグアナやアイススケートは見たことのない子が多いのでビデオを見てどんな物かを知りました。動きの速いイグアナを見て、「こわいー!」と言ってる子や「私のが早く走れるよ!」といって見せてくれる子もいて楽しい時間になりました。
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TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Canyon June 10-14