
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest (Sept 2nd – 6th)

This was another fun week that we got to spend together. The kids got to explore the rules and systems we follow in society. The kids also had fun at tennis this week getting to play tennis with each other. Additionally this week, the students practiced for the sports festival at the gym that the festival will be performed. The students did great for the first practice.
This week for the UOI was more exploration into our unit theme. To see what we are studying we visited a local police station to see how the officers carry our making sure the community follows the rules. To prepare for the visit we created a thank you card for the officer to thank them for the visit. This was a great exercise in team work as the students worked in groups to create a police car card to add to the class card.
今週のUOIは先週に引き続きシステムと規則についてです。待望の社会見学、なんと警察署へ行ってきました!前日には、警察官に渡す「Thank youカード」を一生懸命作りました。さすが年長さん!みんな警察官が何をする職業か理解し、毎日の感謝を上手に表現することができました。
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The kids had fun seeing how the police operates and got to have experience interacting with the officers. They had a great time seeing them practice fight against each other. They also asked really interesting questions to the police officer who was leading our tour. The kids liked looking at the different tools the officer uses to keep the peace and have people follow the rules. The students had a blast getting to go inside a real police car. It was a great day.
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Afterwards we reflected on our visit and some of the things we saw or liked at the police station.
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In class we also looked at how we could have people follow the rules as well as the difference between good and bad choices. The students got to see a choice and needed to decide if it was a good choice or a bad choice. We then concluded the week with discussing the classroom rules and changes that could be made to them.
クラスレッスンでは、どうすれば人は規則を守れるか(自分が警察官だったら何をすればみんなに規則を守ってもらえるか)を考えました。この内容は、みんなにとって少し難しかったようですが、何が良いか、悪いかをしっかり認識、区別することができました。今週の最後には、みんなでクラス内のルール(Essential Agreement)を作りました!
Thank you,
Scott Combs

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest (Sept 2nd – 6th)